We will celebrate our annual Forty Hours Devotions beginning on September 15th, through the 17th. Our Patronal Feast is September 16th. Our guest homilist is our own Fr. Joseph Morrissey, OSFS.
Friday Exposition
Exposition and Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament resumes tomorrow immediately after the 7:30 Mass. The Blessed Sacrament will be on the altar until 4:00 PM.
Catholic Charities Appeal - Letter from Archbishop Perez
I would encourage you to read the attached letter from Archbishop Perez. Catholic Charities serves 1 in 5 people in the greater Philadelphia area. These people depend on the services provided through Catholic Charities for food, shelter, clothing, education to name only a few. Please consider supporting this worthy and long-standing appeal.
At the end of this month we will only be Live-Streaming the 4:00 PM Vigil Mass. You will still be able to access the celebration of Mass through the weekend. While this remains a valid means of participating in the Celebration for the Eucharist if you are incapable of attending in person. However, as our Archbishop declared at the end of the Covid pandemic, nothing compares to being there.
Are you tech savvy enough?
I am in need of assistance to operate the Live Stream Station on Saturday evening at the Vigil Mass. Please contact me at the rectory (610.459.2502) if you have any interest. You will receive training and reimbursement for your time.
OCIA – Order of Christian Initiation
This year I invite any and all members of the parish to consider joining the group as a means of Adult Education and ongoing Faith Formation. The sessions follow the United States Catholic Catechism. We usually meet on a Thursday evening in the Fr. Simon Room. They last for about an hour. There are no tests. The only books you will need are the Catechism and a Bible. Even if you do not believe you can commit to each week, please consider joining when you can.
If you are already Catholic you may want to engage in what is called Continuing Formation and explore some of the aspects of our faith.
Please call the office if you want to register.
PREP Catechists Needed
Do you like working with children? Do you enjoy growing your faith through sharing it with others? Then we have an opportunity for you!!!
We are in need of more teachers for our 2024-2025 PREP school year. If you are interested in sharing the Good News of our Faith and helping to shape the children of our parish, please consider teaching a class.
We are seeking individuals who are comfortable working with younger students (grades 1 & 2). If interested please email our DRE, Abbie McCusker at
We’re coming to the end. This past week the gardeners harvested 90 pounds of produce.
Opportunity for Volunteer Gardeners
Each Monday evening 5 to 7 pm - Harvesting
The Matthew XXV Garden has already harvested 2000 pounds this season. So amazing. We still have a few more weeks of harvesting. We have tomatoes, peppers and herbs to provide. If you can, just show up and we can demonstrate what to do. Many hands make for light work.
We still need help with mowing the garden once per week and weed whacking ~ twice a month. Our weed control works well but occasionally we may need a few weeds pulled. If you can mow or weed whack please email JoEllen Muntz (joburns66@gmail.com) or Regina Smith (reginasmith1745@verizon.net) and we will go over the maintenance tasks with you.
If you need further inspiration read Matthew 25.
It is important to feed the poor and hungry. It is eternally important!
Walking With Purpose - OPEN HOUSE
Join us for light refreshments and an opportunity to learn more about Walking with Purpose (WWP) on Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 at the Parish Life Center.
If you plan to attend, please contact one of our coordinators listed below with your preference for either the morning or evening times being offered.
Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. Just one blood donation can save up to 3 lives. Blood cannot be manufactured – it can only come from generous donors like you!
Registration after all Masses September 28 & 29!!!
SAVE ANOTHER DATE - Meal Packing Event Returns!
Registration is now open! Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 9 when we once again "return to the tables" as a parish community to help fill the food gap that so many face in our world. If you haven't participated in this event in previous years, I encourage you to view the slides from last year and see the great work, and fun, that is enjoyed by everyone. The link below will take you to the Meal Packing event website where you can also view the slides from last year.
We come together each Wednesday morning at 6:00 am for coffee, light fare, fellowship and program setup. At 6:15 am, we begin our program with a video followed by discussion. The group then closes at 7:15 am in time for daily Mass at 7:30 am.
This year's theme: "Thy Kingdom Come"
If you were not available to participate previously, no worries! The program is designed to jump in when you can. The 2024-25 schedule for TMIY group can be found at:
Our first gathering will be Wednesday, September 18th, 2024. Weekly emails are sent out to participants as a reminder of our meeting and topic.
Scan the QR code to the right and join us!
All men are welcome to join this enriching formation experience.
Coffee anyone?
In October we will resume our customary Coffee on the first Sunday of the Month, immediately after the 11:00 AM Mass. I regularly encourage people to stay but so many treat the event like it was a drive through at Starbucks or Dunkin. We are trying to engage in a bit of community and what our Baptist brothers and sisters call “Fellowship.” Stay. Have coffee and a conversation.
More Choir Members Needed
Music ministry provides beauty, joy, comfort, inspiration, and musical prayer for our communal liturgies and various parish celebrations. This is possible due to the generous sharing of time and talent of diverse and committed members. If you can carry a tune and want to learn, come sing with us. Our choir is a wonderful community of caring individuals!
Our choir practices every Wednesday night from 6:30 to 7:45. We usually sing at the 4pm Mass on Saturday and occasionally at the 9am on Sunday. We start on Wednesday, September 11th!
If this stirs your heart, please contact Margie Melchiore at m.melc@verizon.net or 610-420-8214. We welcome new members with open arms - especially gentlemen!!!!
The Big Finish
A parishioner, who will remain anonymous, recently returned from an annual trip to the Minnesota State Fair. She asked me if I wanted her to bring anything back for me. Knowing that State Fairs are notorious for their outlandish, if not bizarre food. Ever hear of Deep-Fried Oreos? Deep-Fried Butter on a Stick? (There is a YouTube video of a guy making one!). I asked for a chocolate covered Walleye.
The photo below is what I got. It is actually half of a salt and pepper shaker. She went to purchase it and the carnival barker who was hawking these things said she could only have one because they were selling out so fast.
So here it is. My Walleye covered in Hershey Chocolate!