January 16, 2025 Thursday Week I in Ordinary Time We received the sad news of the sudden death of Msgr. Parlante on Tuesday of this week. Arrangements for his funeral are not yet known. I will communicate them to you as soon as I receive any information. In the meantime, please remember him in your prayers. Requiescat in pace. May he rest in peace.
Loaves and Fishes
Our next pickup is this Friday January 17th. We meet from 0930 to 1000 at the PLC. Our normal collection of lunches, casseroles, and other needed items. Items that St. John’s could use are bags of apples and oranges, boxes of protein or granola bars, water, and chapstick. At this time of year Hats and Gloves are appreciated (new or gently used are preferred).
Our collection for YoungMoms in Kennett Square continues. Right now YoungMoms is in need of new born sizes diapers or clothes. Any questions contact JoEllen Muntz St. Cornelius Literary Society The next selection is The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen.
With over a million copies sold, this classic work is essential reading for all who ask, Where has my struggle led me?”
A chance encounter with a reproduction of Rembrandt’s The Return of the Prodigal Son catapulted Henri Nouwen on an unforgettable spiritual adventure. Here he shares the deeply personal and resonant meditation that led him to discover the place within where God has chosen to dwell.
As Nouwen reflects on Rembrandt’s painting in light of his own life journey, he evokes a powerful drama of the classic parable in a rich, captivating way that is sure to reverberate in the hearts of readers. Nouwen probes the several movements of the parable: the younger son’s return, the father’s restoration of sonship, the elder son’s resentfulness, and the father’s compassion. The themes of homecoming, affirmation, and reconciliation will be newly discovered by all who have known loneliness, dejection, jealousy, or anger. The challenge to love as God loves, and to be loved as God’s beloved, will be seen as the ultimate revelation of the parable known to Christians throughout time, and is here represented with a vigor and power fresh for our times.
Monthly Rosary the Intention is Pro-Life The third Sunday of each month the Rosary is prayed after the 11:00 AM Mass. Please join in this effort on behalf of Life.
MLK Day This Monday, January 20th is the Martin Luther King Holiday. The parish offices will be closed.
9 Days for Life 9 Days for Life starts today, Thursday, January 16!
9 Days for Life is the U.S. Catholic bishops' annual novena surrounding the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. 9 Days for Life | Respect Life
Go, Make Disciples: An introductory training in Missionary Discipleship. Please check the attached flyer for information on the effort by our Archbishop and join us for a powerful and practical training in the habits and skills of Missionary Discipleship. Chester County Food Drive Our first Food Drive in 2025 will be February 15-16 and will benefit the Chester County Food Bank. Please click on the link below to access the flyer which includes suggested donations. We will have volunteers at the PLC before all the masses that weekend to accept your donations. Our Outreach Ministry and charities are very grateful for your continued generosity.
St. Blaise Men’s Retreat? St Blaise Men’s Weekend Retreat at Malvern Retreat House Jan. 31 - Feb. 2, 2025 Men seeking spiritual enrichment are invited to attend the St. Blaise/St John Neumann Retreat at Malvern Retreat House from January 31 to February 2, 2025. We are blessed to have The Carlos Acutis Shrine at Malvern which has been declared a site of the Holy Doors for our Jubilee Year of Hope. This retreat offers an excellent opportunity to visit the Blessed Carlo Acutis Shrine, pass through the Holy Door, and experience the transformative power of the Eucharist. The retreat will include inspiring talks, communal prayer, and time for personal reflection. The Jubilee Year is a rare and treasured opportunity to renew your relationship with God and deepen your faith. Don’t miss the chance to participate in this extraordinary time of grace. Register at www.malvernretreat.com/events/st-blaise-curran-memorial-2025. Alternately, contact David Santoleri at dave@santoleri.net or 302-345-2637. We hope to see you January 31, 2025! DDD I took a wee break over Christmas from my never-ending effort to Evangelize, Educate and Entertain (I do so love alliteration!). But now I am back each weekday morning, except for Tuesday. I make a brief recording, offering a reflection on the day’s readings from Sacred Scripture proclaimed at Mass. It may not be profound but you may want to check it out on our parish web page. |
The Holy Year of Hope – Spes non Confundit (Hope does not disappoint)
Check out these web sites for locations, local and national, where you are able to observe this Holy Year. The emphasis throughout this Year of Hope is on Penance and Reconciliation. I know a Diocesan Pilgrimage is being planned. Perhaps we could plan a parish pilgrimage to one of the sites identified with in the Archdiocese. NATIONAL SHRINES St. John Neumann at St. Peter Church, Philadelphia Our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown St. Rita, Philadelphia DIOCESAN SHRINES St. Anne in St. Anne (upper) Church, Philadelphia Bl. Carlo Acutis at Malvern Retreat House, Malvern St. Gianna Beretta Molla at Nativity of Our Lord Church, Warminster St. Jude at St. Jude Church, Chalfont St. Katharine Drexel at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Philadelphia Miraculous Medal Basilica, Philadelphia Padre Pio at St. Bede Church, Holland WEBSITES FOR THE JUBILEE YEAR For the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, https://archphila.org/holyyear/ For the Vatican, https://www.iubilaeum2025.va/it.html For the United States, https://www.usccb.org/committees/jubilee-2025 Link to the Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter No Man is an island.
No man is an island, Entire of itself; Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, As well as if a promontory were: As well as if a manor of thy friend's Or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.
Msgr. Diamond |