The Pastoral Council represents St. Cornelius parishioners and serves as a consultative body which advises and assists the Pastor in areas of pastoral concern, including the development and implementation of a parish pastoral plan through consensus and prayerful reflection. It fosters participation of the entire parish in the life and mission of the Church.
The Pastoral Council meets once a month from September through June or as announced. Elections/appointments are held annually in the Fall. Members must be Catholics in good standing, registered and active parish members. Members are either elected or appointed and serve a three-year term.
The Pastoral Council carries out pastoral planning in collaboration and cooperation with the parish staff, committees, groups, and parishioners. As the pastor consults with the Council, so the Council itself consults with other parish leadership and parishioners in its planning processes. The Pastoral Council is rooted in prayer, open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, committed to patient listening and study, and works to recommend the plans and directions that will enhance the quality of parish life and promote parish vitality.
Parish Mission Statement
We, the members of the parish of St. Cornelius within the Roman Catholic Church, in response to our Baptismal call to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, seek to bring Jesus to the world and build up the Kingdom of God. We are nourished and sustained by the Holy Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith. We strive to cooperate with the Grace afforded us by a loving God. It is with devotion that we pray through Mary, the Mother of the Church, to follow her Son with trust and confidence.
We carry out this mission and enrich the spiritual body of our parish by providing an outstanding Early Learning Center, and PREP education, Bible study groups and lectures, an inspirational music ministry, CYO sports, and a myriad of activities focusing on family-inclusive parish celebrations. We express our appreciation for God's many gifts by performing acts of charity and engaging in volunteering activities throughout the year.