The St. Cornelius property comprises not only four major buildings – the Church, the Parish Life Center or PLC, the school, and the rectory – but includes substantial acreage with numerous lawns, gardens, woodlands, hardscape, and parking areas. Property maintenance is significant, and requires careful planning, budgeting, inspections, vendor relationships, and many other aspects.
In order to provide proper overview, perspective, and care of the property a Buildings & Grounds Committee (B&G) was established in late 2017. The Committee generally meets monthly to review any significant upcoming expenditures, to plan future expenditures, and to offer as much additional support possible to parish staff.
B&G Committee members serve a 3 year term and are selected for knowledge or expertise which may be helpful to the parish. Parishioners who have useful skills and would be willing to serve should make this known to one of the current B&G members.
Current members of the B&G Committee:
Msgr. David Diamond
Tom Burke
Andrew Cressman
Al Fonash
Joe Grace
Pete Johnson
Glenn Klingerman
Steve Muntz
Ron Tessing